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Red Dirt Flyers Club – Rules





These rules are for the Red Dirt Flyers R/C Club airfield located on an unused taxiway (pilot station center 46°26'36.3"N 63°50'25.2"W) which is approx. 1900 ft west of the one active runway 05-23 of Summerside airport in Slemon Park, 30A Aerospace Boulevard, PE, C0B 2A0.


  1. To use the Red Dirt Flyers Club airfield, all members must be a current member of MAAC in good standing, and have paid their yearly club dues, or be a visitor of a member in good standing.

  2. All members using this site must sign an agreement that they have read, understand, and will abide by these rules while modeling at Summerside Airport.

  3. All members operating an RPAS must have a copy of these rules available on- site, either electronically or in print. Further, the club will ensure that the rules are posted on the club website.

  4. This site is for RPAS model aircraft – no other categories of modeling are permitted.

  5. All members using this site must have a Basic RPAS Certificate and must demonstrate or be known to possess competent RPAS flying skills before using the site. The final authority on who may fly at the Club airfield is at the sole discretion of the Club executive. Any pilot observed willfully breaking flight line restrictions, ignoring no-fly zones or any other reckless model operation will be ejected from the site permanently – no second chances.

  6. All vehicles are to be parked in the designated parking areas only.

  7. All garbage is to be taken home for disposal

  8. Aircraft and equipment are to be kept in the pits or pilot’s vehicle when not flying or doing run-ups

  9. Children must be properly supervised at all times

  10. Pets allowed in parking lot only, in a vehicle or on a leash. Not in the spectator/pit area. Please practice "poop and scoop".

  11. No smoking in the pits or on the flight line.

  12. No alcohol consumption

  13. Emergency services can be reached using 9-1-1 on a cell phone.

  14. No member shall:

    1. Add, alter, tamper or interfere in the operation or presence of any aerodrome equipment, including markings on maneuvering area surfaces, lights or markers, signage, windsocks or any other aerodrome infrastructure.

    2. Operate on or park any type of motor vehicle within 30m of an aircraft maneuvering area.

    3. Erect any permanent or semi-permanent obstruction, device or piece of modeling support gear/equipment or apparatus within 30m of any maneuvering surface, unless the object can be immediately removed by the RPAS pilot as he vacates the area.


  1. Leave behind any debris, parts or other objects on or within 30m of a maneuvering area, that could cause potential damage to an aircraft in operation, including but not limited to broken model propeller blades, crash damage or anything else that could damage an aircraft wheel, float or ski, or could otherwise be blown about by slipstream and create projectile damage possibilities.

  2. Fail to immediately report to the aerodrome operator (902-432-1760) any damage to any aerodrome infrastructure or property caused by the modeling activity.

  1. If using an aviation radio capable of transmitting, no member shall:

  1. Operate such radio except in compliance with ROC and aviation phraseology,

  2. Make any transmission other than for information purposes.

  3. Make any transmission indicating permission or guidance in the operation of a full-scale aircraft.

  4. Activate or deactivate any aerodrome lighting system such as ARCAL.


Guest Pilots


Non-RDFC pilots may fly at the Club field if sponsored and supervised by a RDFC member in good standing. The RDFC member is responsible to ensure that the guest pilot follows all MAAC and Club rules. Up to two (2) visits of non-RDFC pilots (excluding sanctioned events) is permitted before a RDFC membership is required before further use of the field.


Further, guest pilots must:


Provide proof of current MAAC membership.


Use a R/C aircraft/helicopter/drone and radio TX/RX equipment that is serviceable and safe


Fly in a safe, courteous, and competent manner.


Introductory Flights


In order to facilitate introductions to R/C flight, RDFC members can use a “buddy box” transmitter setup to introduce non-pilots to R/C flight. In this case the non-pilot does not have to be a current MAAC member. However, this is limited to two (2) visits only before the non-pilot is required to obtain MAAC membership before receiving further flight instruction at the club field.


Safety Protocols related to Full Scale Aviation Operations

The Red Dirt Flying Club airfield is located on an unused taxiway which is approx. 1900 ft west of the one active runway 05-23 at Summerside airport (CYSU) in Slemon Park. The fly zone is 1500 x 3000 feet. Please see the attached diagram.


Club members enter the airport property through a restricted access gate off of Reeves Road and follow the route which is marked on the attached map. This route avoids any active runways. Further, all members or guests entering the property for the first time are required to have on site orientation to ensure that no one inadvertently enters an area where interference with manned aircraft operations could occur.


The airspace around our airfield at CYSU is used by recreational and military aircraft. While the location of our field (and assigned fly zone) within the aerodrome property minimizes the possibility of interference with their operation, club members must be prepared to land or suspend field operations if a potential conflict with a manned aircraft or CYSU equipment/ personnel exists- NO EXCEPTIONS.


Therefore, given the proximity of our club field to runway 05-23 in use at CYSU it is ESSENTIAL that flight operations must remain BEHIND the flight line with an altitude limit of 400 ft AT ALL TIMES during the flight to avoid straying into air space being used by manned aircraft.


Our Facilities Use agreement with Slemon Park Corp. stipulates:


  1. Any club member wishing to use the field must first contact the Summerside Airport (CYSU) by phone (902-432-1760) and receive permission before entering airport property. Please note that although it is anticipated that permission will normally be granted there may occasionally be restrictions in place, dependent on planned manned flight operations at CYSU.

  2. Club members are to advise CYSU staff by phone (902-432-1760) or by

radio 122.95 immediately in advance of flying any RPAS and provide any flight information requested by CYSU staff. CYSU will inform other users of the airfield of the RPAS activity in the area as part of CYSU airfield advisory service.

  1. RPAS activity is to cease whenever military traffic is in the immediate area or whenever military aircraft need to land or depart. Club members will be informed by CYSU when this occurs.

  2. In case of a RPAS flyaway situation club members are to inform CYSU by radio at 122.95 or phone (902-432-1760) to give last known direction and altitude and remaining battery life. When the RPAS is found, the club shall notify CYSU*.

  3. Club members shall inform CYSU staff by telephone at 902-436-1760 upon completion of RPAS activity for the day.

  4. If RPAS operations commence or continue after CYSU working hours (M-F 8-4) RPAS operators are to monitor Unicom 122.95 and call Summerside Airport at 902-432-1760 when operations are completed.

  5. If the club member is unable to reach the Summerside Airport to provide an advisory update, please contact the Airport Manager directly at 506-333-6528.


*Please note: Club members are requested to follow MAAC flyaway report protocols in addition to CYSU requirements.

IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) Approaches to CYSU


There are two IFR approaches to Summerside aerodrome named as follows.


RNAV (GNSS) RWY 05 – pronounced “Rrr nav runway zero five”



IFR aircraft may land straight in from the southwest on runway 05 or from the northeast on runway 23 – there is no overhead traffic pattern or other circuit entry procedures so extreme vigilance is required. 


IFR aircraft will normally broadcast their intentions to land either runway once at 5 minutes from expected landing time, or again when over the listed fixes (see chart below).  You may ask the pilot for his position to determine how quickly you need to clear the runway environment.


When you hear an IFR aircraft broadcast any information indicating they are inbound landing “Summerside” – land your model immediately.

Additional Club/MAAC Risk Management Protocols


The club airfield location within the property of an aerodrome requires the following additional safety protocols:


  1. No RPA flying will occur below the MAAC mandated weather minimum:

    1. If cloud is present below 1000’ above the model flying area

    2. a horizontal visibility requirement of less than 3sm around the flying area, and

    3. If there are other obscuring conditions (fog, smoke, haze etc.) which could make spotting full-scale aircraft difficult.


  1. Club members should check for CYSU related NOTAM either using the NAV CANADA NOTAM portal or using RPAS Wilco app or similar. If you are the first pilot of the day and have printed a RPAS Wilco site survey, please leave it at the site for fellow modelers to reference.


  1. No flying will commence until half an hour after sunrise and will end a half hour before sunset, the time of which is available on the Weather Network App for the town of Summerside. NO NIGHTTIME FLYING PERMITTED.


  1. Visual observers are mandatory:

  1. There shall be at least one visual observer who shall stand (no sitting allowed) within arm’s length of any pilot flying.

  2. The observer’s sole role is to scan for approaching full scale aircraft – do not watch the RPA.

  3. The visual observer should use the Club handheld receiver to monitor the ATF 122.95 for CYSU.

  4. When the visual observer or any other member spots/hears a full-scale airplane that might come near the site or see/hear an airplane start up on the hangar line, they are to yell out “AIRPLANE” in a loud voice.

  5. Upon hearing this notification ALL Pilots must immediately descend to as low an altitude as possible and then land as soon as safely able.

  6. When the full-scale airplane is no longer a threat, the person who gave the warning shall yell “ALL CLEAR”, or the pilots may make that determination themselves, and resume flying.


  1. If there is any type of near miss or safety concern between a full-scale aircraft and a MAAC RPA, ALL FLYING SHALL cease immediately. The members involved shall fill out a MAAC reportable occurrence report and submit that to MAAC and the Club executive and follow MAAC policy with the following exceptions:

  1. If the member(s) involved believe the risk was very minimal, they may complete their own self declaration or risk assessment using the MAAC form. Submit a copy of the form to the club executive when able and recall you must keep this form for one year (CAR

       901.49 (2)).

  1. Resume flying when done. If the member or Club executive deems the event serious, flying will not resume until members are given permission by the Club executive – in writing.

  2. If there is actual contact between an aircraft and a MAAC RPAS – all flying will cease until MAAC confirms we may resume operations.

  1. Pilots wishing to use 72 mHz radio equipment must verify if any other pilot at the field is currently using the intended frequency BEFORE turning on his transmitter.

  2. A radio equipment ground range check must be carried out before the first flight of the day.

  3. A fire extinguisher must be present for all powered RPA operation.

  4. All aircraft must be restrained when running engines in the pits.

  5. Engine starts and run-ups in the pit area are to be kept as brief as possible before proceeding to the runway. Extended testing of engines must be conducted away from the pit area.

  6. When starting or doing run-ups, aircraft are to be oriented so that the propeller and nose of the aircraft is pointed away from the pits, pilot stations, and flightline and that the air stream does not blow over other aircraft

  7. All engines must have mufflers.

  8. Batteries of electric airplanes, including small park fliers, are to be connected only in the start-up area.

  9. No electric powered aircraft are to be left unattended with the ESC (electronic speed control) armed.

  10. Helicopters/drones will be flown from the pilot stations beside the runway only.

  11. No more than four (4) aircraft in the air at any one time

  12. Pilots must fly from one of the pilot stations next to the runway

  13. Pilots are not to overfly vehicles or people out on the field. After landing, aircraft engines are to be shut down once clear of the runway and before entering the start-up area.

  14. No hovering by any R/C aircraft is allowed in front of pilot stations that are occupied by other pilots.

  15. Observe established take-off, pattern and landing directions.

  16. Pilots shall announce any intention to take-off, land or move onto the active runway.

  17. Pilots must retain line of sight while flying any type of R/C aircraft.








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